Donnerstag, 29. März 2012

Chilli, Lime & Salt Brownies

A couple of weeks ago I used a recipe I found on Pinterest a recipe for Dark chocolate, Lime & Salt brownies from and baked a batch of those for a long weekend away with some friends.

I did really like them and fancied some more ever since, even though in theory I am doing Weightwatchers. But as I haven't been in that "zone" since the end of January, I figured, I may as well go down with something I really really enjoy.

I have added some dried chilli flakes into the batter as I am of the opinion there's no recipe that can't be improved upon by adding chilli.


140 gram unsalted butter
200 gram dark chocolate (I used 70% cocoa), 120g of that for melting, 80g of the chocolate is chopped
225 gram white sugar
85 gram flour 
30 gram cocoa powder (unsweetened, don't use Kaba, please!)

2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 Lime (unwaxed so you can grate the zest)
1-2 teaspoons of sea salt, I used Maldon
dried chilli flakes to taste

Preheat the oven at 165° Celsius and line a brownie pan with baking paper. Mine is about 18cm*18cm big.
Melt the butter and 120g of the chocolate in a pan.

Before the melting:


Take off the heat and add the sugar, flour, cocoa, eggs, vanilla and sea salt. Doesn't look very appetising at that stage, does it? Obviously you stir it until completely mixed.

Now you add the juice & zest of the lime, the remaining 80g of the chocolate and the dried chilli flakes. Mix again (Duh!)

Pour in the pan and sprinkle some of the sea salt on top.
Bake it for 30-35 minutes. Personally I don't think there's a point to use a wooden stick to check if it's baked..if they come out clean you baked it too much in my eyes.
Let the brownies cool in the pan for a few minutes, then take them out and place them on a cooling rack.
You can now cut a piece off and have vanilla ice cream (guess when I took the first pic) or wait till they cool and cut up in like pieces.

And as I am doing weightwatchers...I pointed it up, the recipe has about 198 pro points plus. Enjoy's worth it!

3 Kommentare:

  1. Great recipe, really tasty, these brownies.
    More more more!

  2. That's not enough. Really, really, really, really tasty these brownies. Even after a few days they taste very delicious!

  3. Absolutely perfect, thanks for the recipe!
